Provide best-in-class decision support and a unified experience to every level of your organization.

Bring clarity, alignment & speed to financial planning & analysis with Datafabric

Large companies follow complex, extensive & intense financial planning  & analysis

More data, which users never able to access or aware of existence


Decrease in report requests to IT


Reduction on process to access the data


Decrease in administrative cost time by automating workflows

By having Datafabric companies reported


Increase in reporting speed


Increase in data driven discussion


Decrease in information wait time


Reduction in month end close time

Only 32% of companies reported being able to realize tangible and measurable value from data.

On Large companies follow complex, extensive & intense financial planning & analysis

Large companies follow complex, extensive & intense financial planning  & analysis
Operations across industries

Leveraging data for retail excellence

Strategic insights

Delivers real-time analytics for informed merchandising and supply chain strategies Enables monitoring of in-store activities through real-time data from sensors and cameras


Facilitates creation of content and products aligned with customer preferences Leverages customer data to understand and target audience values


Employs data to predict customer demand at both local and global scales Ensures the right product reaches the right customer, at the right price and time

Security assurance

Guarantees the protection of both in-store and E-commerce transaction data

+ Countries


+ Brands


+ Integrations



Utilize 99% of all data to drive smarter business decisions in real-time!

Datafabric offers:

Data integration

We move and blend your data seamlessly, keeping everything updated and in sync, no coding required.

Data storage

All your data is securely stored in our top-notch storage service, ready for heavy-duty tasks like business analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.


Your data team can use their favorite tools with our system to get more out of your data.

Business intelligence

We make it easy for everyone in your company to use data for better decision making with our user-friendly tools.


We provide a straightforward solution to help you keep track of your data as your business grows and changes.

Top features

Dashboard customisation

Personalize your data dashboard to highlight key metrics and insights for informed decision-making.

Data forecasting

Leverage historical data to predict future trends and inform strategic planning.

Data annotation

Add relevant notes and labels to your data, aiding in understanding and categorization.

Multi-channel data access

Access your data conveniently through multiple channels, keeping you connected wherever you are.

Data contextualisation

Understand your data within its relevant context, improving the depth and value of insights.

Alerts & triggers

Stay informed about significant data shifts and critical updates with timely notifications.

Features coming soon

Data widget

Add functional modules to your dashboard for quick access to specific data features or insights.

Data utilization reward

Reward the effective use of data, fostering a culture of data literacy and active engagement.

Data awareness

Enhance your understanding of data trends, implications, and potentials for better data-driven decisions.


Make data interaction engaging with game-like elements, enhancing user participation and learning.

Building a solid data foundation with Datafabric ensures you get the maximum potential from your data

Foundation features

Data aggregation

Compile and manage data from disparate sources in one unified platform.

Data allocation

Efficiently distribute data resources to meet specific business needs and functions.

Data conversion

Transform diverse data formats into a standardized form for effective analysis.

Data connection

Seamlessly link different data sources and databases for integrated insights.

Operations across domains

01 Enhance marketing strategy

Consolidating campaign data for easier performance tracking, developing demographic-targeting models, and facilitating real-time data-driven actions.

Combining impressions, sales, and spending data to maximize returns from media budgets.

Tracking regional campaign effectiveness, analyzing customer purchase patterns, and optimizing customer targeting based on footfall patterns.

Collecting and analyzing real-time digital ad data for better ad targeting and improved customer engagement.

02 Streamlining business operations

Leveraging data analysis and predictive models to identify and resolve production bottlenecks, and utilizing visualizations for enhanced planning.

Combining sales and production data to optimize stock levels and using alerts for real-time inventory management across various geographies.

Integrating sales, marketing, and manufacturing data to enhance forecasting and gain a comprehensive visibility of demand and supply projections.

Identifying resource usage efficiency for better distribution and providing timely customer notifications regarding shipping delays.

03 Improving human resources management

Leveraging data analysis and predictive models to identify and resolve production bottlenecks, and utilizing visualizations for enhanced planning.

Combining sales and production data to optimize stock levels and using alerts for real-time inventory management across various geographies.

Integrating sales, marketing, and manufacturing data to enhance forecasting and gain a comprehensive visibility of demand and supply projections.

Identifying resource usage efficiency for better distribution and providing timely customer notifications regarding shipping delays.

Leveraging data for across retail excellence

Addressing retail's unique data hurdles

  • Unifying the digital and physical retail experience
  • Facilitating impactful data integration
  • Streamlining supply chain operations
  • Navigating intricate regional data regulations

Challenges in retail data today

  • Disconnected and incomplete data in complex structures
  • Struggles in creating personalized customer experiences through data
  • Compliance with regional and international data regulations

DataFabric Solution

Data Unification: Aggregate multiple data sources including purchase orders, inventory, and manufacturing into a singular Data Lake.

360-Degree Customer View: Gain a comprehensive understanding of customer behavior from site interactions, digital engagement, and in-store experiences.

Security & Governance: Safeguard customer data with embedded security and compliance features

Our team

Data Officer

Saleel Abdul Kader

Expertise - Investigating core financial data flows, generating insights and implementing reporting solutions for organizations.


Sudheesh PM

20+yrs of product development experience in High Volume Throughput Computing and integrating with different forms and sizes of data and visulaizing them in realtime


Ribin PA

Head Finance Integrations FCA


Hashim Basheer

Design thinking expert Carrefour, Accleya, YelloChat M.Des - IIT Bombay

Global Business

Felix Gyllenstedt

Global Business - EU Chemtall, LiteBreeze

Data Strategy

Bindi Mohan

Data Strategy Expert Head of Data- Wood Mackenzie


Arjun Satheesh

B2B SaaS Growth Carestack


Sajid Abdul Rezak

Strategy - Execution Associate Director KPMG NIT, IIM-A

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